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Office of the Provost

The Office of the Provost provides academic leadership for Drake University.

Reporting to the President, the Provost oversees all academic programs, including six colleges and schools, as well as faculty hiring, development, promotion, and tenure; enrollment management and admissions; student life; equity and inclusion; the libraries; student success and retention; accreditation, institutional research, and assessment; research, grants, and contracts; online education; and international and global education. 

Dr. Sue Mattison was appointed Provost on July 18, 2016. In addition to serving as chief academic officer, she has a PhD in epidemiology, and holds tenure as Professor in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Provost Sue Mattison

Sue Mattison

Office of the Provost
Old Main 202

8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Provost's Council

Deputy Provost
Jimmy Senteza

Associate Provost for Academic Excellence & Student Success 
Jenny Tran-Johnson

Associate Provost for Campus Equity & Inclusion
Terrance Pendleton

Executive Director, Global Engagement & International Programs
Annique Kiel

Associate Provost for Online Programming
Belle Cowden

Director of Institutional Research and Academic Assessment
Kevin Saunders

Dean of Admission
Joel Johnson

Academic Affairs Budget Manager 
Ann Guddall

Academic Support Specialist
Madison Bemus


Academic Affairs Council

Academic Affairs Council

Colleges and Schools

College and School Accreditation Information

Academic Libraries

The Office of the Provost is committed to providing quality academic support.  Should you have a comment (compliment or concern), please use the following procedure.

Provost Office and Direct Reports Complaint Procedure:
If you have a complaint or a concern that a policy or procedure has been incorrectly or unfairly applied or that inappropriate behavior or action has occurred, first discuss the problem with the staff member with whom the issue originated. If you would like the complaint to move forward following this discussion, please contact the person's immediate supervisor. If the process still is not resolved, please call 515-271-3751.

Student Complaint and Appeal Resources and Procedures



University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025